Талантливая художница создаёт миниатюрные функционирующие предметы быта, и внимание к деталям поражает воображение (фото + 7 видео)

Мы видели множество самых разнообразных миниатюрных произведений искусства, но функционирующие и детализованные произведения искусства встречаются редко. Шерил Кэнтер (Sheryl Canter) создаёт миниатюрные предметы, уделяя пристальнейшее внимание даже мельчайшим деталям.

фото: mini.enthusiast / Instagram

Она не только уделяет особое внимание деталям — её творения также имеют и функционирующие части. У них есть все особенности, присущие реальным прототипам.

У неё в коллекции есть миниатюрные версии посудомоечных машин, стиральных машин, блендеров, кофеварок, телевизоров и т.д., которые открываются и закрываются, производят звуки. У стиральной машины, например, есть даже таймер. Все они выглядят в точности как настоящие, только уменьшены в 12 раз по сравнению с ними.

Насколько впечатляющи её работы? Предлагаем взглянуть!

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TURN ON THE SOUND!! ? . . More Miele miniatures! If you like this video, check out the previous one, too! I wasn't able to get the vacuum cleaner to work in this video, but I did later. I have a 3rd video! ? . . Many people are asking where to buy these. They're not sold in the US (unless you get very lucky on eBay). Miele is a German company that makes high quality (full-size) appliances. My real life vacuum cleaner was made by Miele. Several years ago, they produced a set of 1:12 scale miniatures that are reproductions of their full-size products. That's what you see here. But unfortunately for American collectors, Miele chose not to distribute them to the US. . . I know they were sold in Europe (were - I've been told they were discontinued last year). I don't know about other parts of the world. . . The way I got the full set was with the help of someone I know in the UK. I bought it from a UK toy store and had it shipped to her (since they wouldn't ship to the US). She shipped it to me, and I reimbursed her for shipping. . . #miniaturist #puppenhaus #poppenhuis #dockskåp #dukkehus #dúkkuna #dollhouse #dollhouses #dollshouse #dollshouses #ドールハウス #dollhouseminiature #dollhouseminiatures #dollshouseminiature #dollshouseminiatures #ミニチュア #dollhouseaccessories #dollshouseaccessories #ミニチュア小物 #minienthusiast #oneinch

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TURN ON THE SOUND!! ? . . I originally posted this video last August, very shortly after I joined Instagram. It's Part 1 of 3, showing the amazing Miele miniatures. . . Many people are asking where to buy these. They're not sold in the US (unless you get very lucky on eBay). Miele is a German company that makes high quality (full-size) appliances. My real life vacuum cleaner was made by Miele. Several years ago, they produced a set of 1:12 scale miniatures that are reproductions of their full-size products. That's what you see here. But unfortunately for American collectors, Miele chose not to distribute them to the US. . . I know they were sold in Europe (were - I've been told they were discontinued last year). I don't know about other parts of the world. . . The way I got the full set was with the help of someone I know in the UK. I bought it from a UK toy store and had it shipped to her (since they wouldn't ship to the US). She shipped it to me, and I reimbursed her for shipping. . . #miniaturist #puppenhaus #poppenhuis #dockskåp #dukkehus #dúkkuna #dollhouse #dollhouses #dollshouse #dollshouses #ドールハウス #dollhouseminiature #dollhouseminiatures #dollshouseminiature #dollshouseminiatures #ミニチュア #dollhouseaccessories #dollshouseaccessories #ミニチュア小物 #minienthusiast #oneinch #minifurniture #miniaturefurniture #minifurnishings #miniaturefurnishings

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TURN ON THE SOUND!! ? . . Playing with my WORKING mini TV (in an unfinished room). As you can tell from what's on television, this a repost. . . I very much want to get back to working on my mini brownstone, but to do that, I have to finish selling the 3 boxes of miniatures currently stored in there. Long story how that happened. ? . . New listings in my eBay and Etsy shops coming soon!! . . #miniaturist #puppenhaus #poppenhuis #dockskåp #dukkehus #dúkkuna #dollhouse #dollhouses #dollshouse #dollshouses #ドールハウス #dollhouseminiature #dollhouseminiatures #dollshouseminiature #dollshouseminiatures #ミニチュア #dollhouseaccessories #dollshouseaccessories #ミニチュア小物 #minienthusiast #oneinch #minifurniture #miniaturefurniture #minichair #minitv #minitelevision

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